Internet Goldmine 1
There's Gold For The Takin'!
In the recent days past I have had some time to really ponder on a few subjects concerning making money online.One thing I ask myself now is "Where have all the real newsletters gone?" What I mean by that is why does it seem that everyone and their mother is trying to emulate the latest trend offered by guru 'X'?
Now I am in no way stating that you shouldn't try to learn from the gurus, but I'll be the first to tell you that they are not giving up all their secrets or their tools.
If you got a tool from them it's most likely they have a tool similar to it, but that is more robust. If there's one thing I recommend it's that you WATCH what the guru's do to make money and NOT WHAT THEY SAY.
Think about that for a minute...
Okay, let's move on. :)
In this series I want to let you know that the Internet really is a goldmine and there's gold for the takin', but you have to know where to mine.
If most people online would learn that they have a brain they could create opportunities for themselves out of air. My problem often is that I see too many opportunities and don't know where to start sometimes.
I never lack for opportunities. Never.
Now you might be saying, "Edino, if you really think there's gold to mine on the net then prove it! Give us some of your ideas!"
Gladly. Here's a couple:
Desktop Recording:
Most people don't know how to do this or they don't have the time to do so. If you have a product that you purchased you can offer to make videos for other marketers who don't know how or who just do not have the time.
This will increase the value of their products as well as earn you a nice income stream.
Camtasia Software is the lead in the industry and costs about $300.00. A small investment for what it will return.
Audio Recording:
Offer e-book authors the opportunity to put their e-books on .mp3. You can charge a small fee for this and eventually get free products. Once you have clients coming in you can write your own e-book on how to put this business together for even more profit.
Of course you can record it too. ;-)
With a lot of free tools on the net you shouldn't have a problem getting this one done.
Now those are just a couple of ideas. If you can help make problems easier for marketers alone you could create a nice income.
There's truly gold to be mined on the net, but it will require some effort. If you are willing to put forth the effort you can have a nice 'chunk' of gold in your possession.
Up Next: Where The Gold REALLY Is On The Net!